round 8,438 and 5,555 to the nearest hundred

its 8438 is 8000 . PERIOD POO

To round numbers to the nearest hundred, you need to determine the two hundreds that the given numbers lie between and then determine which one is the closer one.

For 8,438:
- The hundreds just below 8,438 is 8,400.
- The hundreds just above 8,438 is 8,500.

Since 8,438 falls closer to 8,400 than to 8,500, rounding it to the nearest hundred would result in 8,400.

For 5,555:
- The hundreds just below 5,555 is 5,500.
- The hundreds just above 5,555 is 5,600.

Since 5,555 falls closer to 5,600 than to 5,500, rounding it to the nearest hundred would result in 5,600.

8,438 is 8,400

5,555 is 5,600