one-half of a number, increased by 9, is less than 33

One half of a number increased by 9 is less than 33

A number increased by five is more than 33

To find the answer, let's break down the problem into steps:

Step 1: Let's represent the unknown number with the variable 'x'.
So, we can say that "one-half of a number" is equal to "1/2 * x" or "x/2".

Step 2: The problem states that "one-half of a number, increased by 9, is less than 33". So, we can form an inequality statement using the information given:
x/2 + 9 < 33

Step 3: To solve this inequality, we'll isolate 'x':
x/2 < 33 - 9

Step 4: Simplify the right side:
x/2 < 24

Step 5: To get rid of the fraction, we can multiply both sides of the inequality by 2:
2 * (x/2) < 2 * 24
x < 48

Therefore, the answer is x < 48. This means that any number below 48, when divided by 2 and increased by 9, will be less than 33.

(1/2)n + 9 > 33