Could you please check these -thank you

1.How do you say I am going to wake up early

I think it is "Yo me voy a despertar temprano"
2. What is another way of saying "Voy a secarme el pelo.
Is it "Me voy a secar el pello.

1. Absolutely! You can also say (with an infinitive) = Yo voy a despertarme temprano.

2. Well done EXCEPT for the spelling of "pelo."


Another way is "Me voy a despertar temprano"

All right... ok.... keep up el trabajo bueno!!!

Mi abuela y yo ______________ en baton rouge.

Kiara ___________________ en la clase.
Yo _____________________ hablando.
Ella _____________________ durmiendo.
Cody, Justino, y Roberto __________________ felices.

Sure! I'd be happy to help you check your answers.

1. How do you say "I am going to wake up early"?

Your answer, "Yo me voy a despertar temprano" is correct. It translates to "I am going to wake up early" in English.

2. What is another way of saying "Voy a secarme el pelo"?

Your answer, "Me voy a secar el pelo", is almost correct. However, there is a small typo. The correct sentence should be "Voy a secarme el pelo." It translates to "I am going to dry my hair" in English.

Great job! Your answers are correct, with just a small correction in the second sentence. Keep up the good work!