[-3 1 3] [-3 -5 -3]

A=[-2 5 -4] B=[2 -1 4]
If[4 -2 -1]and [-5 -2 -5]find

I add the number and I came out with 666 468 and 946 I think I'm wrong Please help...

It is very confusing to try to write a matrix in jishka's format.

Try reposting, and say something like

matrix A is
3 1 3
-3 -5 -3

or something like :
matrix M is

1 2
3 6
4 5

I cannot make out your matrices.

I have no idea what
if[4 -2 -1] and [-5 -2 -5] means

Matrix A

-3 1 3
-2 5 -4
4 -2 -1


Matrix B
-3 -5 -3
2 -1 4
-5 -2 -5

find If BA

first element of answer matrix

= -3(-3) + 1(2) + 3(-5) = -4

the middle element of bottom row of answer matrix
= 4(-5) - 2(-1) - 1(-2) = -16

the last element in second row of answer matrix
= -2(-3) +5(4) -4(-5) = 46

You should have learned the "pattern" for multiplying matrices

To find the product of two matrices, such as BA, you need to perform matrix multiplication. In matrix multiplication, the number of columns in the first matrix must be equal to the number of rows in the second matrix. In this case, matrix B has 1 column, and matrix A has 3 rows. So, we can multiply BA.

To perform matrix multiplication, you take the dot product of each row of the first matrix with each column of the second matrix. Then, you sum up the products to get the resulting matrix.

Let's find BA step by step:

Matrix B:
[ 2 -1 4]

Matrix A:
[-3 1 3]
[-2 5 -4]
[4 -2 -1]

The first row of B (2 -1 4) will be multiplied with the first column of A (-3 -2 4):
(2 * -3) + (-1 * -2) + (4 * 4) = (-6 + 2 + 16) = 12

The first row of B (2 -1 4) will be multiplied with the second column of A (1 5 -2):
(2 * 1) + (-1 * 5) + (4 * -2) = (2 - 5 - 8) = -11

The first row of B (2 -1 4) will be multiplied with the third column of A (3 -4 -1):
(2 * 3) + (-1 * -4) + (4 * -1) = (6 + 4 - 4) = 6

So, the first row of BA is [12 -11 6].

By following the same procedure, multiplying each row of B with each column of A, we get:

Second row of BA = [10 -5 7]
Third row of BA = [-19 17 -22]

Therefore, the resulting matrix BA is:
[12 -11 6]
[10 -5 7]
[-19 17 -22]

So, the answer to BA in this case is:
[12 -11 6]
[10 -5 7]
[-19 17 -22]

I hope this explanation helps!