
(3k+4.2)+8.6 and


solve? there is no equal sign.

Just because there isn't an equal sign doesn't mean you cant solve it. Bobpursley the answer to (3k+4.2)+8.6 is 15.8!See just try it.

To solve the expressions, let's break it down step by step:

Expression 1: (3k + 4.2) + 8.6

Step 1: Start by simplifying the expression inside the first set of parentheses.
3k + 4.2

Step 2: There are no like terms in the simplified expression, so we cannot combine any terms.

Step 3: Now, we add the simplified expression from step 2 to 8.6.
(3k + 4.2) + 8.6

Step 4: Distribute the addition across the parentheses.
3k + 4.2 + 8.6

Step 5: Combine like terms.
3k + 12.8

The simplified expression is 3k + 12.8.

Expression 2: (3s) x 8

Step 1: Multiply the number outside the parentheses (8) by the number or expression inside the parentheses (3s).
(3s) x 8

Step 2: Multiply the coefficients (3 and 8) to get 24.

The simplified expression is 24s.