222x9 in distributive property format i got the answer its just i have to figure out how to show how i got. For example i was able to get 56x4+224 by doing (50x4)+(6x4) then 200+24=224.PLEASE HELP

9=10-1, so you can multiply by 10-1 instead and use the Dist. Prop.


thank u so much

Sure! I can help break down the steps for you.

To expand the expression 222x9 using the distributive property, you need to multiply each term in 222 by 9 and then combine the results.

First, consider the digit in the ones place, which is 2 in 222. Multiply this digit by 9:

2 x 9 = 18

Next, consider the digit in the tens place, which is also 2 in 222. Multiply this digit by 9:

2 x 9 = 18

Finally, consider the digit in the hundreds place, which is also 2 in 222. Multiply this digit by 9:

2 x 9 = 18

To combine these results, you need to place them in the correct place value positions.

Starting with the ones place, you have 18:


Since there are two 18's in the tens place, you need to add them:

18 + 18 = 36

Finally, since there are two 18's in the hundreds place as well, you need to add them:

36 + 18 + 18 = 72

So, 222x9 can be expanded as 72.

To summarize, you can use the distributive property to expand the expression 222x9 by multiplying each digit in 222 by 9, and then adding the results in the appropriate place value positions. In this case, 222x9 equals 72.