ok the directions say..

"using different scales,make either two line graphs or two bar graphs for the set of data.use a break symbol in only one of the graphs.explain which graph shows the data more clearly.

year 1996,1997,1998,1999,2000,2001 weight 31-14,34-13,46-3,55-10,27-13,32-5

ok the year and the number at the bottom go together like 1996 goes with31-14 and 1997 goes with34-13

so i need to make this into a bar graph or line graph and on one of them i need a breakbut i don't know how to format the 31-14 and the rest of the numbers pleasehelp

Since they are weights, and I assume you are working with imperial units, i.e. pounds and ounces, so 34-13 would probably mean 34 pounds and 13 ounces.

To convert to decimal pounds, you would divide 13 ounces by 16 (1 pound=16 ounces) to get 34.8125 pounds, or round it to 34.8 pounds if you wish.

You may want to check your graph if the weight (of what?) makes sense using my interpretation above.

To create either a bar graph or a line graph for the given data, you'll need to decide which variable will go on the x-axis and which will go on the y-axis. In this case, it seems logical to put the "year" data on the x-axis and the "weight" data on the y-axis.

To format the "31-14" and the other numbers, you should interpret them as a range of values. This means that the first number represents the lower bound of the range, and the second number represents the upper bound.
For example, "31-14" would mean that the weight for that year falls between 14 and 31.

Here's how you can format the data for both the bar graph and the line graph:

Bar Graph:
1. Draw a horizontal x-axis and a vertical y-axis.
2. Label the x-axis with the years (1996, 1997, 1998, etc.).
3. Label the y-axis with the weight range values (14-31, 13-34, 3-46, etc.).
4. For each year, create a vertical bar that spans from the lower bound to the upper bound of the weight range.
5. Repeat this for all the years.

Line Graph:
1. Draw a horizontal x-axis and a vertical y-axis.
2. Label the x-axis with the years (1996, 1997, 1998, etc.).
3. Label the y-axis with the weight values (14, 13, 3, 10, etc.).
4. Plot a point on the graph for each year, using the weight value as the y-coordinate.
5. Connect the points with lines to show the trend over time.

To add a break symbol to one of the graphs, you can use a symbol like a zigzag line or dots to indicate that there is a break or gap in the data.

Once you have created both graphs, compare them and consider which one shows the data more clearly. Look for factors like ease of interpretation, visual representation, and capturing the overall trend.