Follow this link please! It is an interactive question that I just cannot figure out

I apologize, but as an AI text-based bot, I don't have the capability to follow links or access external websites directly. However, I can still do my best to help you understand how to approach the problem you're facing.

If you have an interactive question that you're having trouble with, here are some general steps you can take to try to figure it out:

1. Read the question carefully: Make sure you fully understand the problem and what it's asking you to find or do. Take note of any relevant information or restrictions mentioned in the problem.

2. Identify the key concepts: Determine what mathematical or conceptual principles are involved in the question. This may require knowledge of specific topics or equations related to the subject matter.

3. Break down the problem: Break the question down into smaller, more manageable parts if possible. Identify any sub-problems or additional information needed to solve the main question.

4. Review related material: If you're stuck on a specific concept or formula, refer to your textbooks, lecture notes, or online resources to refresh your understanding. Review relevant examples and practice problems to get a better grasp of the topic.

5. Seek help: If you've attempted the question multiple times and are still unable to solve it, consider seeking assistance. This could involve asking a classmate, a tutor, or reaching out to your instructor or professor for guidance.

Remember, understanding how to solve a problem is often more important than simply obtaining the answer. It's worth investing time to master the underlying principles and techniques involved to help you with similar problems in the future.