Is cultural relativism the same as cultural relativist because when I google search cultural relativist nothing comes up but when I do it the other way there is alot of info.

A cultural relativist is a person who follows the doctrine of cultural relativism.

Thank you. Why would someone tell another person that they are a cultural relativist?

You're welcome.

A person would tell another person that they're a cultural relativist because they believe that what is good or bad in a society depends upon the cultural standards of that society.

Cultural relativism refers to the belief that all cultural practices and beliefs should be understood and evaluated in their own cultural context. It is an anthropological concept that emphasizes understanding and respecting diverse cultural perspectives without making judgments based on one's own cultural norms.

On the other hand, a "cultural relativist" is someone who subscribes to or advocates for cultural relativism. The term "cultural relativist" is a common descriptor used to refer to individuals who hold this belief.

When conducting a Google search, it is possible that the lack of information specifically related to "cultural relativist" may be due to the fact that it is not a widely used term outside of academic or specialized discussions. In contrast, "cultural relativism" is a well-established concept that is more commonly searched for and discussed.

To find information about cultural relativists, you can try alternative search terms such as "advocates of cultural relativism" or "supporters of cultural relativism." These searches may yield more specific results related to individuals or organizations that promote cultural relativism. Additionally, exploring scholarly articles, research papers, or books on the topic may provide more in-depth analysis and references to cultural relativist thinkers or scholars.