y< x/2 -6

How do I make this into a table and then into ordered pairs?

To convert the inequality y < x/2 - 6 into a table and then into ordered pairs, we need to pick different x-values, substitute them into the equation, and determine the corresponding y-values.

Let's start by choosing some arbitrary x-values. For the sake of simplicity, let's select x-values that are integers. We can choose x-values such as -4, -2, 0, 2, and 4.

Now, substitute these x-values into the equation and solve for y:

1. For x = -4:
y < (-4) / 2 - 6
y < -2 - 6
y < -8
The corresponding ordered pair is (-4, y), where y can be any value less than -8.

2. For x = -2:
y < (-2) / 2 - 6
y < -1 - 6
y < -7
The corresponding ordered pair is (-2, y), where y can be any value less than -7.

3. For x = 0:
y < 0 / 2 - 6
y < 0 - 6
y < -6
The corresponding ordered pair is (0, y), where y can be any value less than -6.

4. For x = 2:
y < 2 / 2 - 6
y < 1 - 6
y < -5
The corresponding ordered pair is (2, y), where y can be any value less than -5.

5. For x = 4:
y < 4 / 2 - 6
y < 2 - 6
y < -4
The corresponding ordered pair is (4, y), where y can be any value less than -4.

By substituting various x-values and solving for y, you can create a table of ordered pairs that satisfy the given inequality.