0.80 divided by 16.80

Its 21 :P

What does your calculator show?

To divide 0.80 by 16.80, you can follow these steps:

1. Write down the dividend (0.80) and the divisor (16.80).
2. Begin by placing the decimal point in the quotient directly above the decimal point in the dividend.
- 0.80
÷ 16.80
3. Since the divisor has two decimal places, move the decimal point of the dividend two places to the right. This will make the divisor a whole number.
- 0.80 becomes 80
- 16.80 becomes 1680
So, our new problem is:
- 80
÷ 1680
4. Divide the first digit of the dividend (8) by the divisor (1680), ignoring the decimal point for now.
- 8 ÷ 1680 = 0.00476190 (to eight decimal places)
5. Write down the result (0.00476190) as the first digit of our quotient, placing the decimal point at the correct location.
- 0.80 ÷ 16.80 = 0.00___ (to eight decimal places)
6. Now multiply the divisor (1680) by the quotient's first digit (0.00476190). Write the result below the dividend, lining up the decimal points.
- 1680 x 0.00476190 = 8.00022 (to five decimal places)
- 8.00022
- ------
- 80
÷ 1680
7. Subtract this product (8.00022) from the dividend (80). The resulting number becomes our new dividend.
- 80 - 8.00022 = 71.99978
- 8.00022
- -----
- 71.99978
÷ 1680
8. Bring down the next digit from the dividend (9). Our new dividend becomes 719.99978.
- 719.99978
÷ 1680
9. Divide the new dividend (719.99978) by the divisor (1680).
- 719.99978 ÷ 1680 = 0.42857102 (to eight decimal places)
10. Write down the result (0.42857102) as the next digit of our quotient.
- 0.80 ÷ 16.80 = 0.00476190.
- 71.99978 ÷ 1680 = 0.00___.
- 719.99978 ÷ 1680 = 0.42___
So far, our quotient is 0.00476190. We now have:
- 0.00476190
- 0.42___
÷ 1680
11. Repeat steps 6 to 10 until you have the desired level of accuracy or the quotient terminates.
- Continuing the division, our next digit of the quotient would be 0.0___.
- The remainder becomes 119.99978.
- This process could be repeated indefinitely, but for simplicity, let's round the result to three decimal places.
- 0.00476190
- 0.42857102
- 0.0___
÷ 1680
12. Our final quotient, rounded to three decimal places, is approximately 0.005.

So, 0.80 divided by 16.80 is approximately 0.005.