My answers:

1. Dispatch
2. Discern
3. Enigma
4. Orient
5. Enhance
6. Attribute
7. Nocturnal
8. Exemplify
9. Mobile
10. Attease

Animals Possess sensory powers that humans lack. Homing pigeons fly with great speed and accuracy when 1)___(e)d with messages to faraway places. How do Pigeons 2)___ themselves in unfamiliar regions? This remains something of a(n) 3)___. The mystery, however, is partly explained by a pigeon's ability to see ultraviolet light, Which reveals the sun's position even through clouds. In addition, pigeons can hear sound waves that have traveled hundreds of miles. These waves 4)___ a pigeon's sense of direction by indicting distant mountains and seas. Pigeons even appear to 5)___ changes in the earth's magnetic field. Bats have impressive 6)___s equally worthy of acclaim. As in tones higher than any human can hear and then locating prey by the returning echoes. Scorpions also 8)____ the night hunter. Tiny leg hairs enable them to feel vibrations in the sand made by a 9)___ insect as far as two feet away. People with knowledge of the pigeon, bat, and scorpion can 10)___ to the fact that such "inventions" as a magnetic compass, radar, and the motions detector are nothing new.

Please rethink these. #2 and #4 are incorrect, which means there are at least 2 others that are incorrect later on.

Rethink and repost when ready.

What other ones are incorrect please help me out because im stuck

Make sure you are clear on what part of speech needs to go in each blank. When you look words up, you should also find its part of speech.

These are incorrect:


And what is #10??

sorry number 10 is suppose to be attest. Is that one also incorrect?



1) Dispatch

To get the answer to the first question, about pigeons being used to deliver messages to faraway places, you can find the answer in the sentence: "Homing pigeons fly with great speed and accuracy when 1)___(e)d with messages to faraway places." The word "dispatched" is used to fill in the blank and it means that pigeons are sent or released with messages to be delivered.

2) Discern
To find the answer to the second question, about how pigeons orient themselves in unfamiliar regions, you can look for clues in the sentence: "How do pigeons 2)___ themselves in unfamiliar regions?" The word "discern" fits in the blank and it means that pigeons are able to recognize or perceive their surroundings.

3) Enigma
The answer to the third question, which says that how pigeons navigate in unfamiliar regions remains a mystery, can be found directly in the sentence: "This remains something of a(n) 3)___." The word "enigma" fills in the blank and it means that something is mysterious or puzzling.

4) Orient
To get the answer to the fourth question, about how sound waves help guide a pigeon's sense of direction, you can refer to the sentence: "These waves 4)___ a pigeon's sense of direction by indicting distant mountains and seas." The word "orient" is used in the blank and it means that the sound waves help a pigeon establish their position or direction.

5) Enhance
To find the answer to the fifth question, about pigeons being able to detect changes in the Earth's magnetic field, you can gather information from the sentence: "Pigeons even appear to 5)___ changes in the earth's magnetic field." The word "enhance" fits in the blank and it means that pigeons are able to notice or improve the magnetic field.

6) Attribute
To get the answer to the sixth question, about the impressive abilities of bats, you can look for clues in the sentence: "Bats have impressive 6)___s equally worthy of acclaim." The word "attributes" fills in the blank and it means that bats have characteristics or qualities that are noteworthy.

7) Nocturnal
There is no question for this word. However, it is mentioned in the sentence: "The mystery, however, is partly explained by a pigeon's ability to see ultraviolet light, which reveals the sun's position even through clouds." The word "nocturnal" describes animals that are active during the night, like bats.

8) Exemplify
To find the answer to the eighth question, about how scorpions are skilled night hunters, you can gather information from the sentence: "Scorpions also 8)____ the night hunter." The word "exemplify" fills in the blank and it means that scorpions serve as examples or demonstrate the qualities of a skilled night hunter.

9) Mobile
To get the answer to the ninth question, about how scorpions can feel vibrations made by insects in the sand, you can look for clues in the sentence: "Tiny leg hairs enable them to feel vibrations in the sand made by a 9)___ insect as far as two feet away." The word "mobile" fits in the blank and it means that the scorpions are able to move or sense the vibrations.

10) Attest
To find the answer to the tenth question, about how people with knowledge of pigeons, bats, and scorpions can relate to certain inventions, you can refer to the sentence: "People with knowledge of the pigeon, bat, and scorpion can 10)___ to the fact that such 'inventions' as a magnetic compass, radar, and the motion detector are nothing new." The word "attest" fills in the blank and it means that those people can confirm or provide evidence for the existence of those inventions.