score/ score presents a fictional world, regulated by computers and other machines in which humans are noticeably absent. Though the main characters are actually two computers that converse, the story contains several details that create verismilitude.

Because computers are prevalent in our society, readers may find many ascepts of verismilitude in score/score. identify the details in the story that contribute to a sense of reality and explain how these details make the story plausible.

Interesting assignment. What is your question?

identify the details in the story that contribute to a sense of reality and explain how these details make the story plausible.

I think that the points of view make the story seem believeable

To identify the details in the story "score/score" that contribute to a sense of reality and explain how they make the story plausible, we need to analyze the elements that create verisimilitude within the fictional world. Here are some of the details:

1. Technological Dependence: The story's focus on a world regulated by computers and other machines aligns with our society's increasing reliance on technology. This detail contributes to verisimilitude by reflecting our present reality and making it easier for readers to imagine the story's world as a possible future.

2. Absence of Humans: While the main characters are machines, the absence of humans in the story also contributes to verisimilitude. This absence raises questions about a world where humans are noticeably absent and replaced by advanced technology. It allows readers to contemplate the potential consequences and implications of such a future, which aligns with real-world discussions on the role of artificial intelligence and automation.

3. Conversations Between Computers: The fact that the main characters are computers engaging in conversation is another detail reflecting the reality of our technological advancements. With the rise of virtual assistants, chatbots, and AI-powered systems like Siri or Alexa, readers can easily relate to the concept of machines holding intelligent conversations. This detail adds to the plausibility of the story by leveraging our familiarity with computerized interactions.

4. Detailed Description of the World: The inclusion of specific and detailed descriptions within the story enhances the sense of reality. This can be achieved through the depiction of the technological infrastructure, the architecture, the landscapes, and other aspects of the world. By providing vivid imagery and rich descriptions, readers can visualize and immerse themselves in the fictional setting more easily.

5. Realistic Challenges and Conflicts: Presenting challenges and conflicts that are relatable and grounded in reality further contributes to verisimilitude. These challenges can be related to the functioning of the machines, decision-making processes, or ethical dilemmas, among others. Readers find it easier to connect with the story when they recognize familiar issues or debates from their own lives.

Overall, the combination of these details reflects elements from our real-world society and technological developments. By incorporating concepts that are already present or emerging in our lives, "score/score" creates a sense of plausibility and verisimilitude, making it easier for readers to believe in and engage with the story's fictional world.