The Roosevelt Corollary extended the Monroe Doctrine by declaring that

a. European powers might collect Latin American debts by force.

b. European powers must give up their colonies in Latin America.

c. the United States could intervene in Latin America countries if it seemed necessary.

d. the United States would have the final say on who could use the Panama Canal.



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Yes, that's correct! The Roosevelt Corollary extended the Monroe Doctrine by declaring that the United States could intervene in Latin American countries if it seemed necessary.

To arrive at this answer, you would need to have some understanding of the historical context and the events surrounding the Roosevelt Corollary. The Monroe Doctrine, proclaimed by President James Monroe in 1823, stated that the United States would not tolerate any European interference or colonization in the Western Hemisphere.

The Roosevelt Corollary was an addition to the Monroe Doctrine introduced by President Theodore Roosevelt in 1904. It stated that the United States had the right to intervene in the affairs of Latin American countries to maintain stability and protect American interests. This was a response to growing concerns about European powers using military force to collect debts owed by Latin American countries, potentially posing a threat to American influence in the region.

Therefore, option C, which states that the United States could intervene in Latin American countries if it seemed necessary, is the correct answer.