
Please help

Multiply both sides by 4.

6 = 160 + y

Subtract 160 from both sides.

154 = y

y = -154

To solve the equation 3/2 = 40 + y/4, we will follow these steps:

Step 1: Simplify the equation.
Since 3/2 is a fraction, we need to convert 40 to a fraction as well. The fraction form of 40 is 40/1. So, the equation becomes:

3/2 = 40/1 + y/4

Step 2: Find a common denominator.
To add or subtract fractions, we need a common denominator. In this case, the common denominator for 2 and 4 is 4. So, we rewrite the equation with a common denominator:

3/2 = 40/1 + y/4
= 40/1 + y * (2/2) / 4
= 40/1 + 2y/4

Step 3: Add the fractions.
Now that we have a common denominator, we can add the fractions:

3/2 = (40 + 2y)/4

Step 4: Cross-multiply.
To eliminate the fractions, we can cross-multiply. This means multiplying the numerators of one fraction by the denominators of the other fraction:

3 * 4 = 2 * (40 + 2y)

Simplifying further, we get:

12 = 80 + 4y

Step 5: Solve for y.
To isolate the variable y, we need to move the constants to one side of the equation:

12 - 80 = 4y

-68 = 4y

Step 6: Divide both sides by 4.
Dividing both sides by 4 will further isolate y:

-68/4 = y

-17 = y

So, the solution to the equation 3/2 = 40 + y/4 is y = -17.