How do you write the solution to represent the point if intersection?

To represent the point of intersection, you need to find the coordinates of the point where two lines or curves intersect. Here's how you can do that:

1. Identify the equations of the lines or curves that you want to find the point of intersection for. Let's say you have two lines with equations:
Line 1: y = mx + b1
Line 2: y = nx + b2

Note that m and n represent the slopes of the lines, while b1 and b2 represent the y-intercepts.

2. Set the equations equal to each other and solve for the x-coordinate of the point of intersection:
mx + b1 = nx + b2

Rearrange the equation to isolate x:
mx - nx = b2 - b1
(m - n)x = b2 - b1
x = (b2 - b1) / (m - n)

3. Substitute the found x-coordinate back into either of the original equations to solve for the y-coordinate. Let's substitute it into Line 1:
y = mx + b1
y = m * ((b2 - b1) / (m - n)) + b1

Simplify the equation to find the y-coordinate:
y = (m * b2 - m * b1 + b1 * m - b1 * n) / (m - n)

4. Now you have the x-coordinate and the y-coordinate of the point of intersection. You can represent it as (x, y).

Remember, this method works for lines and curves. For more complex situations, like intersections between 3D surfaces or curves, you may need to use numerical methods or software tools to find the point of intersection accurately.