translate spanish to inglish

To translate from Spanish to English, you have several options:

1. Online Translation Websites: One popular choice is Google Translate ( Simply enter the Spanish text you want to translate, and select English as the target language. Keep in mind that machine translation might not always provide accurate results, especially for complex or idiomatic phrases.

2. Mobile Apps: There are also various mobile apps available for translation, including Google Translate, Microsoft Translator, and iTranslate. These apps often allow you to translate text by typing, speaking, or even taking a picture of the text.

3. Translation Dictionaries: Online dictionaries like WordReference ( or Linguee ( provide translation options and examples for individual words and phrases. They can be useful for understanding specific terms or expressions in context.

4. Language Learning Platforms: Platforms like Duolingo ( or Babbel ( not only offer language courses but also include translation features that allow you to practice translating sentences and phrases between languages.

Remember that while these tools can be helpful for basic translations, they may not always capture the nuances or cultural aspects of a language. For more accurate and reliable translations, it is often best to consult a professional translator or language expert.