The area of a pond is exactly 34 square meters, and the average depth is 34. meters. If the density of fish is 12 fish per cubic meter, how many fish can be found in 1/3 of the lake?


To find the number of fish in 1/3 of the lake, we need to know the volume of that portion of the lake.

To calculate the volume, we multiply the area of the lake by the average depth:

Volume of the lake = Area × Average depth

Given that the area of the pond is 34 square meters and the average depth is 34 meters,

Volume of the lake = 34 square meters × 34 meters = 1156 cubic meters.

Now, we need to calculate the number of fish in this volume. Since the density of fish is given as 12 fish per cubic meter, we simply multiply the volume by the density:

Number of fish = Volume of the lake × Density of fish

Number of fish = 1156 cubic meters × 12 fish per cubic meter

Number of fish = 13872 fish.

Therefore, there would be 13,872 fish in 1/3 of the lake.