What is the Prefix, Suffix, and word root of the following questions.


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To determine the prefix, suffix, and word root of a word, we need to break it down into its component parts.

1. Antidote:
- Prefix: "anti-" (meaning against or opposite)
- Suffix: "–dote" (derived from the Greek word "dotos," meaning given)
- Word root: "dote" (from the Greek word "dosis," meaning dosage)

2. Asymptomatic:
- Prefix: "a-" (meaning without or not)
- Suffix: "-symptomatic" (related to symptoms)
- Word root: "symptom" (from the Greek word "symptoma," meaning occurrence)

3. Benign:
- Prefix: None
- Suffix: None
- Word root: "benign" (from the Latin word "benignus," meaning kind or gentle)

4. Coagulate:
- Prefix: None
- Suffix: None
- Word root: "coagulate" (from the Latin word "coagulare," meaning to curdle or clot)

5. Convalescence:
- Prefix: "con-" (meaning together or with)
- Suffix: "-escence" (indicating a process or state of)
- Word root: "convalesce" (from the Latin word "convalescere," meaning to grow strong or recover)

6. Plasma:
- Prefix: None
- Suffix: None
- Word root: "plasma" (from the Greek word "plasma," meaning something molded or formed)

7. Therapy:
- Prefix: None
- Suffix: None
- Word root: "therapy" (from the Greek word "therapeia," meaning healing or treatment)

Remember that not all words have a prefix, suffix, and word root. Some words can consist of just a word root or include only a prefix or suffix.