Hi, I was just curious if anyone remembers how to turn a repeating fraction into a decimal?

Did you mean " turn a repeating decimal into a fraction" ?

yes sorry about that :)

Of course! Converting a repeating fraction into a decimal involves a straightforward process. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Identify the repeating part of the fraction. This part is a series of digits that repeat continually.

Step 2: Let's say the repeating part has n digits. Write the repeating part as an integer, without using any decimal point or any indication of repetition. Let's call this number "x."

Step 3: Determine a denominator that consists of n number of nines (9's). This can be calculated by taking the number 9 and repeating it n times. Let's call this number "y."

Step 4: Express the repeating fraction as x/y.

Step 5: Divide x by y. The result will be the decimal representation of the repeating fraction.

For example, let's convert the fraction 1/3 into a decimal:

Step 1: In this case, the repeating part is 3.

Step 2: The integer representation of 3 is also 3.

Step 3: The denominator will be 9, as we have only one digit in the repeating part.

Step 4: Expressing 1/3 as 3/9.

Step 5: Divide 3 by 9: 3 ÷ 9 = 0.333...

Therefore, the decimal representation of 1/3 is 0.333... (the ellipsis indicates the repetition).

Now you have the steps to turn any repeating fraction into a decimal.