what is a coney, on my homework it said it was a common animal in the Hudsonian life zone?

Please help!

See the historical meaning here.


oh thank you !

You're welcome.

how did rivers enrich the soil

A coney, also known as a pika, is a small mammal that belongs to the family Ochotonidae. They are known for their distinct round body shape, short limbs, and small ears. Pikas are mainly found in rocky mountainous regions, including the Hudsonian life zone.

To learn more about a coney, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by searching for "coney" or "pika" in an internet search engine. This will provide you with general information about the animal and its characteristics.
2. Look for reputable sources such as scientific websites, wildlife conservation organizations, or educational resources. These sources are more likely to provide accurate and reliable information.
3. Pay attention to the specific habitat mentioned in your homework, which is the Hudsonian life zone. This is a sub-alpine-zone with colder temperatures and high altitudes, commonly found in mountainous areas.
4. Find information about the habitat preferences and distribution of pikas. Since you already know it is a common animal in the Hudsonian life zone, you can focus your search on their presence in this particular region.
5. Once you gather this information, you can incorporate it into your homework to provide a comprehensive answer about the coney's habitat and its relationship to the Hudsonian life zone.