How would you use a number line to round 148 to nearest ten ?

You'd look to see if 148 was closer to 140 or to 150.

148 is closer to 150

To use a number line to round 148 to the nearest ten, you can follow these steps:

1. Draw a number line that includes the numbers 140 and 150. Make sure there is enough space between the two numbers to mark the points in between.

2. Locate the number 148 on the number line and mark it with a dot or a small line.

3. Determine the halfway point between 140 and 150 on the number line. In this case, it would be 145.

4. Compare the distance between 148 and 145. Since 148 is closer to 150 than it is to 140, it means it is closer to the next ten, which is 150.

5. Therefore, the rounded number of 148 to the nearest ten is 150.

Using a number line can provide a visual representation of numbers and their relative positions, allowing for a better understanding of rounds and approximations.