One example of government trying to help American business was a) high tariffs. b) patronage c) blue laws d) Munn v. Illinois

Don't high taxes placed on imports help American businesses?

As far as I know the usual justification given for high import tariffs is to help local manufacturers by making things produced in other countries more expensive here.

(Of course this often backfires because the other countries also raise their tariffs hurting American exports). In the end there is a tendency for everyone to lose.

High tariffs

The correct answer is a) high tariffs.

To arrive at this answer, we can analyze each option and eliminate the ones that do not fit the description of the government trying to help American businesses:

a) High tariffs: Tariffs refer to taxes imposed on imported goods. By setting high tariffs on certain products, the government can effectively protect domestic industries by making foreign goods more expensive compared to those produced within the country. This stimulates American businesses as it reduces competition from foreign companies and allows them to thrive.

b) Patronage: Patronage refers to the practice of offering government positions or benefits to individuals in exchange for political support. While patronage may benefit individuals, it does not directly support American businesses on a broader scale.

c) Blue laws: Blue laws are regulations that prohibit certain activities, such as shopping or engaging in commerce, on Sundays. While blue laws may indirectly impact businesses by reducing the number of operating days, they are not specifically aimed at helping American businesses.

d) Munn v. Illinois: Munn v. Illinois was a landmark Supreme Court case in 1877 that dealt with the regulation of grain elevator rates by the state of Illinois. While this case had a significant impact on the regulation of business, it does not directly address the government's effort to help American businesses.

Therefore, based on this analysis, the option that best aligns with the government's attempt to help American businesses is a) high tariffs.