Ok when your plotting a graph of Sin angle i against Sin angle r , which of those goes on the y axix and which goes on x axis??

When plotting a graph of Sin angle i against Sin angle r, the choice of which variable goes on the y-axis (vertical axis) and which variable goes on the x-axis (horizontal axis) is arbitrary. It depends on how you want to interpret and analyze the relationship between the variables.

To decide which variable to place on which axis, you can consider the purpose of the graph and the information you want to convey. Here are a couple of considerations:

1. Independent variable: If you are interested in exploring the effect of Sin angle r on Sin angle i, you can consider Sin angle r as the independent variable and place it on the x-axis. This would allow you to see how changes in Sin angle r affect the values of Sin angle i.

2. Dependent variable: On the other hand, if you are interested in observing the relationship between Sin angle i and Sin angle r, you can consider Sin angle i as the dependent variable and place it on the y-axis. This would allow you to see how Sin angle i changes as Sin angle r varies.

Ultimately, the choice of which variable to place on which axis is up to you and should be based on the nature of the data and the purpose of the graph.