Could you use only the millions period to order 462,409,524 463,409,524 and 463,562,391


Yes you can


To compare and order the numbers 462,409,524, 463,409,524, and 463,562,391 using only the millions place, you need to look at the digit in the millions place for each number.

The digit in the millions place is the first digit from the left. Let's write down just the millions place digit for each number:

462,409,524 -> 4
463,409,524 -> 4
463,562,391 -> 4

Since all three numbers have the same digit (4) in the millions place, you need to move on to the next place value to compare the numbers further.

To compare the numbers beyond the millions place, you can ignore the digits in the millions place and focus only on the remaining digits. In this case, you can ignore the '4' in the millions place and consider the remaining digits:

462,409,524 -> 62,409,524
463,409,524 -> 63,409,524
463,562,391 -> 63,562,391

Now, you can compare the remaining digits from left to right. In this case, you can see that:

62,409,524 < 63,409,524 < 63,562,391

Therefore, when ordering these numbers using only the millions place, the correct order is:

462,409,524 < 463,409,524 < 463,562,391