60 = (66+72+90+49+59+x)/6

Solve for x.

60 = (66+72+90+49+59+x)/6

60 = (336 + x) / 6

Multiply both sides of the equation by 6.

360 = 336 + x

Subtract 336 from both sides.

24 = x

Multiply both sides by 6 and add scores.

360 = 336 + x

Do you think you can subtract 336 from both sides?

To solve for x, first simplify the equation:

60 = (66+72+90+49+59+x)/6

To start, add up the numbers in the parentheses:

60 = (336+x)/6

Next, multiply both sides of the equation by 6 to get rid of the fraction:

6 * 60 = 6 * (336+x)/6

360 = 336 + x

Now, subtract 336 from both sides of the equation:

360 - 336 = 336 - 336 + x

24 = x

Therefore, the value of x is 24.