two boys on ice skates hold a rope between them. One is heavier than the other. The light weight boy pulls on the rope. how will they move and who will move faster?

I will be happy to critique your analysis of this situation.

Ggft UK knob whatsapp Safewayšśsagar

can you plz answer it??

When the lighter boy pulls on the rope, it creates a tension force in the rope. According to Newton's third law of motion, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This means that the heavier boy will also exert an equal and opposite force on the lighter boy.

Since the lighter boy is pulling on the rope, he will experience a force in the direction opposite to his pull. As a result, the lighter boy will move backward. At the same time, the heavier boy will experience a force in the direction of the lighter boy's pull, causing him to move forward.

The speed at which the boys move will depend on their respective masses and the strength of the force exerted by the lighter boy. If the lighter boy pulls with a greater force, his acceleration will be higher, causing him to move faster. However, if the lighter boy's mass is significantly smaller than the heavier boy's mass, the lighter boy may still move faster even with equal forces due to his lower inertial mass.

In conclusion, when the lighter boy pulls on the rope, he will move backward while the heavier boy moves forward. The speed at which they move will depend on the force applied, as well as their respective masses.