Could you please check these descriptions I need to prepare for tomorrow? Thank you.

1) The man in photo A is wearing a black tuxedo with a white shirt and a grey-and-black striped tie underneath. He is also wearing a belt. He is holding a black folder in his right hand.
2) He is of medium height and build. He has got an oval face, short black hair though he is pretty bald at the temples. He is smiling and seems happy. 3) I think he is a sales representative because he is smartly dressed and knows how to deal with his customers.
I thinks he needs to wear elegant clothes if he wants to keep his job.
4) In photo B there is a black man singing into a microphone. He seems to be looking at his audience. He is wearing a red T-shirt with a white pattern on it and a red bandana with a white logo on his head.
5) He is also wearing headphones (why?) and a pair of sun glasses. He has a golden necklace on and two bracelets on his left wrist.
6) He also has a tattoo on his right forearm. I think he is a singer, who is giving a concert (Why does he listen to music on headphones and sing into a microphone at the same time?)-

1. delete "underneath"; combine the 2nd and 3rd sentences into one.

2. delete "got" -- parallel problems in this sentence.
He has an oval face and short black hair though he is rather bald at the temples. He is smiling and seems happy.

3. OK

4. OK

5. OK (Often musicians wear the headphones while singing so they can hear the complete musical background as they sing.)

6. delete comma after "singer"

He gives the appearance of being a sales man

Sure! Let's go through each description and provide feedback:

1) The description of the man in photo A seems clear and detailed. You mentioned that he is wearing a black tuxedo with a white shirt and a grey-and-black striped tie. He is also carrying a black folder in his right hand. It's good that you included these specific details.

2) In this description, you mentioned that the man is of medium height and build. You also described his facial features, mentioning that he has an oval face and short black hair with a slight baldness at the temples. Additionally, you noted that he is smiling and appears happy. These details help to provide a visual description of the man.

3) Here, you expressed your opinion that the man is a sales representative based on his smartly dressed appearance and his ability to interact with customers. It's good to include your interpretation, but if you want to support your opinion further, you could provide additional observations or reasoning. For example, you could mention specific cues like his confident body language or the presence of business-related materials.

4) In the description of photo B, you mentioned that there is a black man singing into a microphone while looking at his audience. You also described his attire, noting that he is wearing a red T-shirt with a white pattern and a red bandana with a white logo on his head. These details help to create a mental image of the performer.

5) You mentioned that the man in photo B is wearing headphones and sunglasses, in addition to a golden necklace and bracelets on his left wrist. It's interesting that he is wearing headphones, and you asked why. This could be interpreted as personal preference or a professional requirement for monitoring his own performance while singing. However, without more context, it's difficult to determine the exact reason.

6) In this description, you noted that the man in photo B has a tattoo on his right forearm. You also expressed confusion about why he is wearing headphones and singing into a microphone simultaneously. This could be a stylistic choice or a technical requirement depending on the specific situation. Without further context, it's challenging to provide a definitive answer.

Overall, your descriptions are detailed and capture important visual elements. Adding more observations or providing additional context can enhance your explanations. Good job!