Whenever Levi cries, his parents seem to satisfy him by changing his diaper, feeding him, or holding him. Simply put, Levi’s parents seem to fulfill his dependency needs. What stage of development would Erikson say that Levi is experiencing?

Trust vs. Mistrust
Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
Intimacy vs. Isolation
Integrity vs. Despair

What do you think?


Trust vs. mistrust (infancy)

Erikson would say that Levi is experiencing the stage of development known as Trust vs. Mistrust. This stage occurs during the first year of life and is characterized by the infant developing a sense of trust or mistrust towards their caregivers. In this stage, the infant relies on their caregivers to satisfy their basic needs, such as feeding, changing diapers, and providing comfort, just as Levi's parents are doing for him.

To determine the stage of development, Erikson's psychosocial theory suggests looking at the key conflicts that individuals face at different stages of life. In the Trust vs. Mistrust stage, the primary conflict is between developing a sense of trust in the world and experiencing a sense of mistrust. The way caregivers respond to the infant's needs plays a crucial role in shaping their trust or mistrust.

In Levi's case, his parents satisfying his dependency needs by changing his diaper, feeding him, and holding him contributes to a sense of trust. As his parents consistently meet his needs, Levi learns to trust that his caregivers will be there to provide for him. This stage forms the foundation for future development as it helps the infant develop a basic sense of trust in the world and in relationships.