Compare/Contrast independent and dependent variables. Provide example of each.

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Independent variables and dependent variables are key components in scientific research. Let's start with understanding each of them and then provide examples for better clarity.

1. Independent Variables:
- Independent variables are the factors that researchers manipulate or control in an experiment.
- They are also known as the "input" or "cause" variables.
- They are not influenced by any other variable in the experiment and are under the researcher's control.
- In most scientific studies, there is typically only one independent variable, although there can be multiple independent variables in some cases.
- Independent variables can take different values or conditions, allowing researchers to analyze their effects on the dependent variable.

Example: Suppose a researcher wants to investigate the effects of studying time on exam performance. The independent variable in this case would be the time spent studying. The researcher can manipulate this variable by assigning different groups of participants to different durations of study time (e.g., 30 minutes, 60 minutes, or 90 minutes).

2. Dependent Variables:
- Dependent variables are the outcomes or results that researchers measure and observe.
- They are influenced by the independent variable(s).
- They are also known as the "output" or "effect" variables.
- Researchers typically measure dependent variables to determine how the independent variables affect them.
- Multiple dependent variables can be measured in a study to capture different aspects of the research question.

Example: Continuing with the previous example, the dependent variable would be the exam performance. The researcher would measure and assess the performance of participants in each group based on their study time (e.g., scores, grades, accuracy, etc.). Exam performance is influenced by the independent variable (study time) in this case.

To summarize, independent variables are the variables that are manipulated or controlled by the researcher, while dependent variables are the outcomes or results that are measured and influenced by the independent variables.