what is the main theme "lamb to the slaughter" story and what is the issued rise by the author?


I don't know what you mean by "issued rise by the author."

The main theme of the short story "Lamb to the Slaughter" by Roald Dahl is the idea of appearance versus reality. The author explores how things are not always what they seem on the surface, and how appearances can be deceiving.

To identify the main theme of a story, you should look for recurring ideas, symbols, or motifs that the author presents throughout the narrative. In "Lamb to the Slaughter," the theme of appearance versus reality is evident through various elements such as the title, character behavior, and irony.

In the story, the main character, Mary Maloney, initially appears to be a content and devoted wife. However, when her husband reveals some shocking news, Mary's true nature is revealed. She transforms from a seemingly gentle and helpless woman into a calculating and resourceful murderer. This twist challenges the reader's expectations and emphasizes the theme of appearance versus reality.

Furthermore, the title itself, "Lamb to the Slaughter," symbolically represents the false sense of security or innocence that the characters, including the victim, Mr. Maloney, have. The lamb symbolizes the unsuspecting nature of the characters being led to their doom, unaware of what awaits them.

The theme of appearance versus reality raises the issue of the complexity of human nature and the potential for unexpected behavior from seemingly ordinary individuals. Dahl challenges the idea that people can be easily understood or judged solely based on their outward appearance. His story serves as a reminder that there is often more to people than meets the eye, and that assumptions based on appearances can lead to surprising and even devastating consequences.

In summary, the main theme of "Lamb to the Slaughter" is appearance versus reality, highlighting the deceptive nature of appearances and the potential for unexpected behavior. The story challenges assumptions and raises questions about human nature and the dangers of making judgments based solely on outward appearances.