The phrase "She called it a day" is __________.Select one of the options below as your answer:A. a metaphorB. hyperboleC. an idiomD. personification

To determine the correct answer, let's break down the phrase "She called it a day" and its meaning.

The phrase implies that someone stopped what they were doing, ended an activity, or decided to quit for the day.

Option A, a metaphor, is a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is used to describe something by comparing it to something else. In this case, there is no direct comparison or symbolic meaning, so it is not a metaphor.

Option B, hyperbole, is an exaggeration for emphasis or dramatic effect. Although the phrase is a statement of action, it is not an exaggerated statement, so it is not hyperbole.

Option C, an idiom, is a phrase or expression that has a figurative meaning different from its literal interpretation. In this case, "She called it a day" is indeed an idiom because its literal meaning would be interpreted differently from its intended meaning. Therefore, the correct answer is C. an idiom.

Option D, personification, is a figure of speech that attributes human characteristics to non-human entities. Since the phrase does not give human qualities to anything non-human, it is not personification.

In summary, the correct answer is C. an idiom.

Which do YOU THINK is correct?
