
-(8/3) * 2 = -16/3


-8/(3*2) = -8/6

It depends upon where the parentheses are placed.

there is NO parentheses

its just
-8 รท 3 times 2=

i get what she means

To solve the equation -8/3 * 2, we need to apply the order of operations, which tells us to perform the multiplication before the division or subtraction.

Step 1: Multiply -8/3 by 2.

To multiply a fraction by a whole number, we multiply the numerator (top number) by the whole number.

-8/3 * 2 = (-8 * 2) / 3

Multiplying -8 by 2 gives -16, so we have:

-16 / 3

Step 2: Simplify the fraction, if possible.

In this case, the fraction -16/3 cannot be simplified further because 16 and 3 do not have any common factors other than 1. Therefore, the final answer is:


In decimal form, this is approximately -5.333.