which type of afterschhol game is usually most successful with young children?

(a)highly structured group games
(b)noncompetitive physical games (my answer)
(c)indivual quiet games
(d)educational reading and writing games

one of the primary concerns of child advocacy groups is ?
(a)the need to provide more supervisory care for children
(b)providing children with sports,games and arts and crafts activities
(c)the problem of low wages for early childhood educators(my answer)
(d)educational health and social services for high school students

the montessori program stresses the importance of?
(a)rapid fire drills and repetition
(b)the teachings of jean piaget(my answer)
(c)exploration fantasy and discovery
(d)hands on developmentally appropriate learning activities

who are pre-primer programs designed for?
(a)infants too young to enter a preschool program
(b)first graders needing extra schooling before beginnig second grade
(c)preschoolers in after school programs
(d)kindergarteners needing extra schooling before beginning first grade(my answer)
please help let me know if their wrong

someone please check my answers to these questions

I agree with your first and last answers.

I don't know about number 2, although I suspect your answer is not correct. Check this site for another possible answer for 3.


#2 is incorrect. Focus on the words "child advocacy" -- which of those answers focuses on what's good for CHILDREN.

#3 needs to be rethought, too.

would the answer be c

ms sue please help

would the answer for 2 be A

Yes, 2 is A and 3 is C.


You're welcome. =)

Your answers seem to be mostly accurate. Here are the correct answers for your reference:

1. The type of afterschool game that is usually most successful with young children is (b) noncompetitive physical games. These types of games allow children to engage in physical activity, have fun, and develop their motor skills without the pressure of competition.

2. One of the primary concerns of child advocacy groups is (c) the problem of low wages for early childhood educators. Child advocacy groups are concerned about ensuring fair compensation for early childhood educators who play a crucial role in the development and education of young children.

3. The Montessori program stresses the importance of (c) exploration, fantasy, and discovery. The Montessori approach emphasizes hands-on learning and encourages children to explore and discover their interests and abilities in a supportive environment.

4. Pre-primer programs are designed for (a) infants too young to enter a preschool program. These programs provide early childhood education and care for infants who are not yet at the preschool age.

Keep in mind that these answers may vary depending on specific contexts or perspectives, but these are the generally accepted answers.