1.Once you have read about the major perspectives in psychology, identify any questions you have about these seven major theories (psychodynamic, behavioral, humanistic, cognitive, Biopsychological, Evolutionary, Sociocultural). You must come up with at least one question related to one of theories. Your classmates are encouraged to respond to these questions with their understanding. I will monitor their responses for accuracy, and when no response is posted, I will respond as needed.

2.What do you think keeps most people from fully employing the active learning strategies and study skills presented in this chapter

We do not do your work for you. Once you have attempted to answer your questions, we will be happy to give you feedback on your work. Although it might require more time and effort, you will learn more if you do your own work. Isn't that why you go to school?

Not asking to do my work for me, this is the question. I am cunfused to what therory makes personality? Did ask for attitude asked for help!

To come up with questions about the major perspectives in psychology, you can start by doing some research and understanding the key concepts and principles of each theory. Once you have a basic understanding, you can identify areas that you find confusing or would like to know more about. Here's an example question related to the behavioral perspective:

Question: How does the behavioral perspective explain the influence of environmental factors on human behavior?

To answer this question, you can start by researching the behavioral perspective, which focuses on how external stimuli and reinforcing consequences shape behavior. You can then look for specific theories and experiments within the behavioral perspective that address the influence of environmental factors on behavior. This may involve reading about classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and observational learning, as these are key concepts within the behavioral perspective.

Another question you could explore is related to the biopsychological perspective:

Question: How does the biopsychological perspective explain the interaction between genetics and behavior?

To answer this question, you can start by researching the biopsychological perspective, which examines the biological, psychological, and social aspects of human behavior. You can then delve into the specific theories and research within this perspective that address the role of genetics in behavior. This may involve studying twin studies, gene-environment interaction, and the impact of neurotransmitters on behavior.

Remember, when researching and answering these questions, it's important to rely on credible sources such as textbooks, scholarly articles, and reputable websites to ensure accuracy and reliability of information.