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what tools do astronomers use for investigations and give an example.

Astronomers use a variety of tools to investigate the universe. These tools help them observe celestial objects, collect and analyze data, and make important discoveries. Here are some examples of the common tools astronomers use:

1. Telescopes: Perhaps the most well-known tool, telescopes are used to observe celestial objects. There are two main types of telescopes: ground-based telescopes and space-based telescopes. Ground-based telescopes are located on Earth and can capture visible light as well as other wavelengths such as radio, infrared, and X-rays. Space-based telescopes, like the Hubble Space Telescope, can capture clearer images because they are not affected by Earth's atmosphere.

2. Spectrographs: Spectrographs are instruments that split light into its various wavelengths, allowing astronomers to examine the composition and characteristics of celestial objects. They help in identifying the chemical elements present in stars, galaxies, and other distant objects.

3. Cameras: Advanced camera technology is used in modern telescopes to capture detailed images of celestial objects. These cameras can detect light at different wavelengths and record long-exposure images, providing astronomers with high-resolution data.

4. Radio Telescopes: Radio telescopes capture and study radio waves emitted by celestial objects. They help in understanding cosmic microwave background radiation, pulsars, quasars, and other radio-emitting sources.

5. Computers and Data Analysis Software: Astronomers use powerful computers and specialized software for various purposes, including data analysis, modeling, and simulations. They help in processing large amounts of data collected by telescopes and enable astronomers to make detailed measurements and predictions.

6. Spectrometers: Similar to spectrographs, spectrometers measure the intensity of light at different wavelengths. They help in analyzing the chemical composition of celestial objects, determining their motion, and studying their atmospheres.

7. Space Probes and Satellites: Astronomers send space probes and satellites, such as the Voyager and Kepler missions, to explore and observe distant parts of the universe. These instruments provide valuable data on planets, stars, and galaxies that cannot be obtained from Earth.

These are just a few examples of the tools astronomers use, but there are many more specialized instruments and equipment depending on the specific areas of research.