what are the measures for the following shapes?


To determine the measures of different shapes, you need to consider specific characteristics for each shape. Here are the measures for the mentioned shapes:

1. Cube:
A cube is a solid three-dimensional shape with six equal square faces. To find the measures of a cube, you generally need to consider one of the following dimensions:
- Side length (s): The length of one side of the cube.

2. Rectangle:
A rectangle is a quadrilateral with four right angles. Its opposite sides are equal in length. To find the measures of a rectangle, you generally need to consider the following dimensions:
- Length (l): The longer side of the rectangle.
- Width (w): The shorter side of the rectangle.

3. Cone:
A cone is a three-dimensional geometric shape with a circular base and a pointed top. To find the measures of a cone, you generally need to consider the following dimensions:
- Radius (r): The distance from the center of the base circle to any point on the edge.
- Height (h): The distance from the cone's apex (top) to the center of the base circle.

4. Sphere:
A sphere is a perfectly round three-dimensional object. To find the measures of a sphere, you generally need to consider the following dimensions:
- Radius (r): The distance from the center of the sphere to any point on its surface.
- Diameter (d): Twice the radius; it is the distance between two points on the sphere passing through the center.

By knowing these dimensions, you can determine the measures of the given shapes.