Total tickets sold$1625. Adults $7,kids $3. Twice as many kids as adults bought tickets. How many adults and kid tickets were sold.

Let a = adults

7a + 2(3a) = 1625
13a = 1625
a = 125


To determine the number of adult and kid tickets sold, let's use algebra to solve the problem step by step.

Let's assume the number of adult tickets sold is 'x.' Since the number of kids who bought tickets is twice the number of adults, we can express the number of kid tickets as '2x.'

The given information states that the total amount of money collected from ticket sales is $1625. We know that adult tickets cost $7 and kid tickets cost $3.

Therefore, the equation representing the total ticket sales is:

7x + 3(2x) = 1625

Simplifying the equation:

7x + 6x = 1625

Combining the like terms:

13x = 1625

Now, let's isolate 'x' by dividing both sides of the equation by 13:

x = 1625 / 13

Evaluating the division:

x ≈ 125

So, 'x' represents the number of adult tickets sold, which is approximately 125. Since the number of kid tickets sold is twice the number of adult tickets, we can calculate it:

2x = 2 * 125 = 250

Therefore, there were approximately 125 adult tickets and 250 kid tickets sold.