a sample of water under study was found to boil at 102 degree Celsius at normal temperature and pressure. is the water pure ? will it freeze at 0 degree Celsius? comment ....

delta T = Kb*m and delta T = Kf*m

Since H2O boils at 100 C normally, then it must not be pure it boils at 102. Since it is impure, it will not freeze at zero but below zero C.


To determine whether the water is pure or not, we can examine its boiling point and freezing point.

Pure water typically boils at 100 degrees Celsius at normal temperature and pressure (known as standard boiling point), and it freezes at 0 degrees Celsius (known as standard freezing point).

In your case, if the water sample boils at 102 degrees Celsius, it means that the boiling point of the water is slightly higher than the standard boiling point. This could be an indication that the water sample contains impurities.

As for the freezing point, if the water is pure, it should freeze at 0 degrees Celsius. However, based on the information provided alone, we cannot determine whether the sample will freeze at 0 degrees Celsius or not. Additional data, such as the presence of impurities or other factors, would be required to make a more accurate conclusion.

To summarize, the higher boiling point of the water sample suggests the presence of impurities, while the freezing point cannot be determined solely based on the given information.

