In the song:

How Come, How Long
By: Stevie Wonder...

1) What are the two types of abuse evident in the song?

2) Discuss the meaning of the line "she had a college degree, smart as anyone could be; there was not enough education in her world that could save the life of this little girl..."

These are the questions I tried to answer in my HW, but I really need help.

For #1 - Read the lyrics very carefully, and then let us know what you think.

For #2 - We often speak of "street smarts" and "book smarts." What do you think the differences are?

is it physicak and emotional abuse??

and for 2, is it that she may be really smart in bookthings but shes not smart when itr comes to relationships

Sure, I can help explain the answers to your questions.

1) In the song "How Come, How Long" by Stevie Wonder, there are two types of abuse evident. The first is emotional abuse, which is described in the lyrics as someone "telling lies and consequences." This implies that the victim is being manipulated and controlled through dishonesty and manipulation. The second type of abuse is physical abuse, which is depicted in the line "a look of desolation across her face." This suggests that the victim is experiencing physical harm or violence.

To find these types of abuse, you can listen to the song and pay attention to the lyrics that describe the actions and emotions of the characters involved. The song's message and the artist's intent can also provide clues to identify the types of abuse present. It might also help to research the background or inspiration behind the song, as this can provide further insights.

2) The line "she had a college degree, smart as anyone could be; there was not enough education in her world that could save the life of this little girl..." from the song implies a deeper meaning about the limitations of education in the face of severe abuse.

The line suggests that even though the woman in the song is highly educated and intelligent, her education couldn't protect or save the life of a young girl involved in the abusive situation. This speaks to the powerlessness of education alone to solve the complex, deeply-rooted issues associated with abuse.

To discuss the meaning of this line, you can analyze the lyrics in relation to the overall theme of the song. Consider the context in which the line is presented, the emotions conveyed, and how it relates to the broader message of the song. You could also examine any interviews or statements by the artist to gain a better understanding of their intended meaning.

Remember to provide evidence from the song itself to support your interpretation and analysis.

I hope this helps you with your homework! Let me know if you have any more questions.