is 49 a perfect square? can you please explain.

i mean 22

Study this site.

What do you think?

it doesnt help me find out if 22 is a perfect square

Please look again at that site. Do you see 22 listed as a perfect square?

no it doesnt say 22 it says 25


Why do you think 22 isn't listed as a perfect square?

To determine whether 49 is a perfect square, we can consider different ways to find the answer. One approach is to calculate the square root of 49 and check if it yields an integer result.

To find the square root of 49, you could use a calculator or apply a manual method such as the prime factorization method or the long division method.

Using the prime factorization method:
1. Begin by expressing 49 as a product of its prime factors: 49 = 7 * 7.
2. Since 7 appears twice, this indicates that the exponent of the prime factor is 2.
3. The square root of 49 is therefore 7.

Alternatively, using the long division method:
1. Start with an estimate for the square root of 49, such as 7.
2. Divide 49 by 7: 49 รท 7 = 7.
3. The result is 7, which means the square root is 7.

In both methods, the square root of 49 comes out as an integer (7). Therefore, we can conclude that 49 is a perfect square, as it can be expressed as the square of an integer.