simplify \``````27

Lionel/Cristiano -- please use the same name for all of your posts.


looks like a badly designed speedometer of a car that isn't moving

To simplify 27, you need to find its prime factors and then express it in its simplest form.

Step 1: Find the prime factors of 27.
We start by dividing 27 by the smallest prime number, 2. However, 27 is not divisible by 2. Then we move on to the next prime number, which is 3. Since 27 is divisible by 3, we divide 27 by 3, resulting in 9. Now, we repeat the process with 9. Again, 9 is divisible by 3. So we divide 9 by 3, which gives us 3. Finally, we notice that 3 is also a prime number. We cannot divide it further.

Therefore, the prime factors of 27 are 3, 3, and 3.

Step 2: Write 27 in its simplest form.
Since 27 can be expressed as the product of its prime factors, we can write it as 3 x 3 x 3. Mathematically, this can be simplified as 3^3.

So, the simplified form of 27 is 3^3.