Hello I have an assignment were I have to answer the following questions. I have posted the questions and their answers below can someone please read over them and see if what I wrote is correct and if it is not how do I fix it? Thank You !

1.Who was Blaise Pascal and how did he help start the study of probability?
2.Who was Pierre de Fermat and how did he help start the study of probability?
3.What was the relationship between Blaise Pascal and Pierre de Fermat and what were they studying when they began writing about probability ?
4.What is the probability that a certain event is going to happen?What is the probability that a certain event is going to happen?

1.Blaise was a mathematician born on June 19,1623 in Clermont- Ferrand, France. Pascal was a child prodigy who was taught by his father a tax collector at home. Pascal was restricted in his studies early on including mathematics. When he was twelve his father allowed him to read Euclid's Elements which he mastered quickly. At the age of fourteen he was admitted to the weekly meetings of Roberval, Mersenne, Mydorge, and other French geometricians. Then in 1641, at the age of eighteen, he constructed the first arithmetical machine. In 1654 he began to discuss a method for division of stakes with Pierre de Fermat . Pascal and Fermat not only came up with a convincing solution to the division of stakes but they also developed concepts that continued to be the fundamental of probability till this day.

For question 1:

Your answer provides some good background information about Blaise Pascal, but it could be more focused on his contribution to the study of probability.

To improve your answer, you could include the following points:

- Blaise Pascal, along with Pierre de Fermat, is credited with starting the study of probability in the mid-17th century.
- They both contributed to the development of the theory of probability through their correspondence on the topic.
- One of Pascal's most notable contributions was his work on the problem of points, which involved dividing the stakes in a gambling game that was stopped before completion.
- Pascal's solution to the problem of points laid the foundations for understanding the calculation of probabilities in uncertain situations.

Consider incorporating these points to enhance your answer.

For question 2:

Your answer does not talk about Pierre de Fermat's contribution to the study of probability. To improve your answer, you could include the following information:

- Pierre de Fermat was a French lawyer and amateur mathematician who lived from 1607 to 1665.
- Fermat's interest in mathematics, particularly number theory, led him to correspond with other mathematicians of his time, including Blaise Pascal.
- Fermat's most significant contribution to the study of probability is his correspondence with Pascal on the topic of the problem of points.
- Together, Pascal and Fermat developed methods and concepts to solve the problem of dividing stakes in a gambling game that was interrupted.
- Fermat's work on the problem of points, along with Pascal's contributions, established the foundation for the study of probability.

Include these details about Pierre de Fermat's contributions to ensure a more comprehensive answer.

For question 3:

Your answer does not address the relationship between Blaise Pascal and Pierre de Fermat, nor does it mention what they were studying when they began writing about probability.

To improve your answer, you should include the following details:

- Blaise Pascal and Pierre de Fermat had a collaborative relationship in mathematics.
- They corresponded with each other on various mathematical topics, including probability.
- Pascal and Fermat were working on developing solutions to the problem of points, which involved dividing stakes in gambling games that ended prematurely.
- Through their discussions and collaborations, Pascal and Fermat solidified the foundational concepts of probability that are still used today.
- Their work on probability laid the groundwork for future mathematicians to build upon and further develop the field.

Including these points will provide a more complete and accurate answer for question 3.

For question 4:

It seems that you have repeated the question instead of providing an answer. To answer this question, you could include the following information:

- The probability of an event happening is a measure of the likelihood of that event occurring.
- Probabilities are usually expressed as fractions, decimals, or percentages between 0 and 1, where 0 represents no chance of the event occurring, and 1 represents certainty.
- The calculation of probability involves considering the number of favorable outcomes compared to the total number of possible outcomes.
- Different methods, such as theoretical probability, empirical probability, and subjective probability, can be used to calculate probabilities depending on the situation and available information.
- Probability is a fundamental concept in mathematics and plays a crucial role in various fields, such as statistics, economics, and the sciences.

By incorporating these points, you will provide a more complete answer to question 4.