what does provisional and inconclusive mean?


i couldn't find it for some reason, can you try and find it and give me the trackback URL?



thank you!:)

But ... I don't understand why you couldn't find those definitions on the dictionary link that Ms. Sue gave you. I found them just fine.



Did you even try?

To understand the meanings of "provisional" and "inconclusive," let's break down their definitions and usage:

1. Provisional: The term "provisional" typically refers to something that is temporary or subject to change. It implies that a decision or judgment being made is not final, but rather tentative or conditional based on the information available at the time. In other words, it can be considered as a preliminary or intermediate stage before reaching a final conclusion or decision.

2. Inconclusive: "Inconclusive" means something that doesn't lead to a definite or decisive result or finding. It suggests that the evidence, data, or information available does not provide sufficient clarity or proof to draw a firm conclusion. It often implies uncertainty or ambiguity due to the absence of clear evidence or conflicting results.

If you come across these terms in various contexts, here's how you can determine their meanings:

1. Word Definition: Look up the term in a dictionary or reputable online resource. This will provide you with a precise definition and examples of usage.

2. Contextual Analysis: Examine the context where the word is used. Pay attention to phrases or sentences surrounding the word, as they can offer clues about its meaning. Consider the tone, subject matter, and the author's intent.

3. Etymology: Understanding the origins and root words can also provide insights. For example, "provisional" comes from the Latin root "provisio," meaning to foresee or provide in advance, which indicates a temporary state or a precautionary measure. "Inconclusive," on the other hand, indicates a lack of closure or finality.

Remember, if you encounter any unfamiliar terms, it's always helpful to explore the resources available to you to deepen your understanding.