sif xyz=0 (-3x^2yz)^3 p=27x^7y^4z^6 then p=?

p can be anything, since x y z = 0 means that your equation reduces to

0*p = 0

To find the value of p, we can use the given equation and the value of xyz being 0.

We are given the equation: xyz = 0. This means that one of the variables x, y, or z is equal to 0.

Now, let's substitute the value of xyz = 0 into the second equation p = 27x^7y^4z^6:

p = 27x^7y^4z^6

Since xyz = 0, we can replace xyz with 0 in the equation:

p = 27(0)^7y^4z^6

Any number raised to the power of 0 is 1. Therefore, (0)^7 = 0.

This simplifies the equation further:

p = 27(0)y^4z^6
p = 0 * y^4z^6
p = 0

Hence, the value of p is 0 when xyz = 0.