Jeff bought 3 bags of dog food. He also bought a set of new dog bowls that cost eighteen dollars . He spent a total of forty-five dollars. Write both the verbal and mathematical equation to find out how much Jeff paid for each bag of dog food

Solve for x.

3x = 45 - 18

Jeff bought 3 bags of dog food. He also bought a set of new dog bowls that cost eighteen dollars . He spent a total of forty-five dollars. Write both the verbal and mathematical equation to find out how much Jeff paid for each bag of dog food.

Verbal equation: Let's assume Jeff paid "x" dollars for each bag of dog food. So, the total cost of 3 bags of dog food will be 3 times "x". Additionally, Jeff spent eighteen dollars on the dog bowls. Therefore, the total amount he spent is "3x + 18". According to the given information, the total amount Jeff paid is forty-five dollars.

Mathematical equation: 3x + 18 = 45

To find out how much Jeff paid for each bag of dog food, we need to solve this equation for "x".