Can you think of any other ways we "see" or are affected by globalization every day that is NOT related to the internet?

Today, almost everything is related to the internet.

Most of our clothes, electronics, and cars are made in other countries. Some of our foods, like bananas, come from other countries. People have lost employment because their jobs have been outsourced overseas.

However, these products have become much more prevalent because the companies use the internet to communicate with their distant branches.

Certainly! While the internet has greatly accelerated the pace of globalization and its impact on our daily lives, there are several other ways in which we "see" or are affected by globalization on a daily basis that are not directly related to the internet. Here are a few examples:

1. Trade: Globalization has led to the expansion of international trade and the availability of products from around the world in our local markets. We encounter this when we purchase items at the store that are labeled as being imported from different countries. This could include clothing, electronics, food, or even everyday items like kitchen utensils.

2. Travel and Tourism: Globalization has made traveling more accessible and affordable. Many people now have the opportunity to visit different countries and experience different cultures. We encounter globalization when we see tourists from various parts of the world in our local areas or when we ourselves travel to different countries and experience their customs and traditions firsthand.

3. Food: Globalization has transformed our food culture by introducing us to new cuisines and ingredients from around the world. We encounter globalization when we enjoy sushi from Japan, tacos from Mexico, pasta from Italy, or curries from India in our daily meals.

4. Fashion: The fashion industry is greatly influenced by globalization. Fashion trends and styles from different cultures are now accessible globally. When we see people wearing clothing styles that are inspired by different regions of the world or when we buy clothing items that are made in different countries, we are witnessing the impact of globalization.

5. Entertainment: Globalization has made it easier to access and enjoy entertainment from different cultures. We encounter globalization when we watch international films, listen to music from different countries, or enjoy literature from various regions of the world.

To get a better understanding of how globalization affects our daily lives, you can also observe the variety of products, cultural influences, and diversity in your surroundings, interact with people from different backgrounds, read books or articles on globalization, or follow news and discussions on the topic.