Which of the following star colors has the highest temperature?

All I see is white. That is quite hot, about 7000 K

To determine which of the following star colors has the highest temperature, we need to understand how stellar temperatures are classified. Stars are classified based on their spectral types, which are determined by their surface temperature. The most commonly used classification scheme is the Morgan-Keenan (MK) system, or the Harvard spectral classification.

The MK system classifies stars into seven main categories, labeled with the letters O, B, A, F, G, K, and M. Each category is further subdivided into subclasses, numbered from 0 to 9. The sequence runs from hottest to coolest, with O-type stars being the hottest and M-type stars being the coolest.

Now, let's consider the different star colors associated with these spectral types:

1. O-type stars: Blue
2. B-type stars: Blue-white
3. A-type stars: White
4. F-type stars: Yellow-white
5. G-type stars: Yellow
6. K-type stars: Orange
7. M-type stars: Red

Based on this classification, O-type stars have the highest surface temperature, making them the hottest stars. Therefore, the star color with the highest temperature among the options you provided is blue.

Note: This is a general categorization, and the actual color of a star can vary depending on other factors such as its age, chemical composition, and the presence of atmospheric conditions.