What does contemPtuous mean


I am currently reading of the contempt by the privileged class of the rabble, and that by the rabble for the privileged during the start of the French Revolution ( Scaramouche , by Sabatini ). I highly recommend it.

contemptuous |kənˈtem(p) ch oōəs|


showing contempt; scornful : she was intolerant and contemptuous of the majority of the human race.

"Contemptuous" is an adjective that describes someone who shows or expresses a strong dislike or lack of respect towards something or someone. To understand the meaning of this word, let's break it down:

1. Root word: The root word in "contemptuous" is "contempt." "Contempt" refers to the feeling of disdain or scorn towards someone or something.

2. Suffix: The suffix "-uous" in "contemptuous" serves to form an adjective meaning "full of" or "characterized by."

Putting the parts together, "contemptuous" can be defined as behaving or showing a strong feeling of disrespect or disdain towards someone or something.

To better understand the word and its usage, you can explore its synonyms, such as scornful, derisive, or disdainful, and observe how it is used in different sentences. Additionally, reading examples or encountering the word in context can provide a clearer understanding of its meaning.