How did American Indians resist and protest white Americans' treatment of them in the late 1800s?

Here's a good example.

Thanks Ms. Sue

You're welcome.

In the late 1800s, American Indians faced numerous injustices and mistreatment by white Americans. To resist and protest against these actions, they adopted various strategies. Here are a few ways American Indians resisted and protested during that period:

1. Armed Conflicts: Some tribes, such as the Lakota Sioux, engaged in armed conflicts to defend their lands and way of life. The most notable example of this was the Battle of Little Bighorn in 1876, where Lakota Sioux and Cheyenne warriors led by leaders like Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse fought against U.S. forces led by General Custer.

2. Diplomatic Negotiations: American Indian leaders, such as Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce and Geronimo of the Apache, attempted to use diplomacy to address their concerns. They negotiated treaties and engaged in discussions with U.S. government officials, seeking fair treatment and the protection of their lands.

3. Legal Battles: American Indians also pursued legal avenues to assert their rights. They filed lawsuits challenging land seizures and violation of treaty rights. Notable cases include Standing Bear v. Crook (1879), where the Ponca chief Standing Bear successfully argued that Native Americans were persons under the law, entitled to the protection of their civil rights.

4. Cultural Resistance: American Indians also resisted through the preservation and revitalization of their cultural practices and traditions. They continued to practice their religious ceremonies, speak their native languages, and pass down traditional knowledge to younger generations, despite efforts to assimilate them into mainstream American society.

5. Activism and Advocacy: Some Native American leaders and activists, like Sarah Winnemucca and Carlos Montezuma, worked tirelessly to advocate for equal rights and improved conditions for Native people. They traveled across the country giving speeches, writing articles, and forming organizations to raise awareness about the struggles faced by American Indians.

It's important to note that these are just a few examples, and the resistance and protest strategies varied across different tribes and regions. To gain a deeper understanding of specific instances, it's recommended to explore historical records, books, articles, and accounts from that period, which provide further insights into the resistance efforts of American Indians in the late 1800s.